Vanessa Marques
Lead Nurse
Cdg Start Date?
30th November 2009
I completed college courses in Pharmacy and Reception in 2005, after which someone approached me about a career in Dental Nursing and I’ve been nursing ever since. I started by working on both reception and nursing in a Madeiran practice, now my role is focussed upon the clinical standards for the practice at CDG, leading the nursing team and I find it much easier to have my role directed like this.
My husband is Rui. We’ve been together since 2003 and have two daughters, Beatriz who was born in 2013 and Leonor who was born in 2016. Bea is a sweet, cheeky little monkey who loves her little sister and loves playing with her.
Have You Had Any Dental Treatment At The Practice? If So, What?
Equilibration (adjusting the way the teeth meet to stabilise the jaw). I used to clench and grind my teeth and suffered with headaches but since Jeremy have adjusted my bite, my symptoms have gone and I would recommend this to any patients experiencing similar symptoms.
Favourite Thing About Working At Cdg?
It’s a team of lovely people who create a good atmosphere and work together well, which makes it easy for me to enjoy my job.
Perfect Job?
Working with children. I’d love to do voluntary work for a charity or orphanage to show children the love they need and deserve.
I would also love to open a bar in the Caribbean and live around the beach.
Favourite Parish?
I’m in town most of the time as I live and work there. I also spend a lot of time in the park and at the beach so I like any parish with a beach.
Do You Have Any Hobbies?
With two girls I don’t really have a lot of free time but I like to spend time playing with my children especially outdoors when the weather is nice.
I also really like to travel and to discover new places so we try to have nice holidays but since the girls we mainly go to beach holidays with a swimming pool.
Desert Island Essential?
My family and a towel! I really love spending time with them.
Perfect Holiday?
Somewhere with a good beach and hot weather. I would love to go back to the Caribbean or Mexico.
Strictly Or The X Factor?
The X Factor.
Sweet Or Savoury?
Sweet, especially chocolate.
What’s Your Bedtime?
Around 10 o’clock usually.
What Word Would People Use To Describe You?
I wasn’t sure about this one so I had to ask them and they come up with hard working, friendly and caring.