Toni Keenan
Dental Therapist
Cdg Start Date:
September 2022
Secondary School:
Haute Vallee
Bachelor's Degree in Oral Health Science
Lived Off-Island? If So Where:
Scottland for my degree and Ireland as a child.
Favourite Thing About Working At Cdg:
The amazing team & patients
Dental Goals For The Year:
Improve composite bonding techniques
Favourite Band:
Fleetwood Mac
Interesting Hobby:
Cycling, cooking, swimming
Strictly Or The X Factor?
X Factor
Perfect Job?
Favourite Parish:
St Brelades
Desert Island Essential:
Feel like my answer should be a toothbrush 😊 lol
Sweet Or Savoury?
What’s Your Bedtime?
Weekdays 9pm
Ever Broken A Bone?
Favourite Film?
Slumdog millionaire
Celebrity Crush:
Harry Styles
Perfect Holiday:
A mixture of hiking, sea swimming, rock jumping, scuba diving, drinking cocktails and eating local food anywhere and everywhere!
What Word Would People Use To Describe You?